PREPOSITION adalah kata yang diletakkan di depan kata benda





PREPOSITION adalah kata yang diletakkan di depan kata benda.

Kinds :

1.       On : di /pada

- Nama jalan tanpa nomor.

- Nama hari

- Nama bulan + tanggal

- posisi benda yang terletak dipermukaan

Contoh :

-  I was born on Monday night.

-   She lives on Jalan Sakura

2.       In : di/pada

-  Nama kota

-  Nama Negara

-  Bulan

-  Tempat + ruangan

Contoh :

-      She was born on Jakarta

-        Student are studying in the classroom

3.       at : di/pada

-  Jalan (+) nomor

-  Suatu peristiwa penting

-  Tempat secara keseluruhan

Contoh :

-          She lives at Jl. Sakura number 20

-          We have vacation at Christmas

-          My mother is at home

4.       to (kearah/tujuan, buat, kepada)

Contoh :

-          He went to Japan

-          They gave this bag to me.

5.       for (ke tujuan/arah, buat, untuk)

Contoh :

-          They left for Medan by bus.

-          He will sent the parcel for me.

6.       into ( ke dalam)

Contoh :

-          The man is walking into the cave alone.

-          Pour the water into the glass!

Into (menjadi)

Contoh :

-          They translated the text into English.

-          He broke the glass into pieces.

7.       with (dengan/bersama)

Contoh :

-          My sister went shopping with her friends

with (dengan alat)

Contoh :

-          He painted the wall with brushes. 

8.       by (dengan alat)

Contoh :

-          They went by bus

-          I prefer to go by train

by (di pinggir)

Contoh :

-           They live by the sea.

-          We had a camping by the wood.

9.       under (di bawah)

Contoh :

-          The cat is under the chair.

10.   above (di atas)

Contoh :

-          The satellite is above the earth.

11.   In front of ( di depan)

Contoh :

-          The teacher is in front of the students.

12.   beside (di samping)

Contoh :

-          The cup is beside the present.

13.   behind (di belakang)


-          The building is behind the woman.

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