Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu
kejadian yang sudah berlangsung beberapa lama tetapi masih terus berlangsung
ketika kejadian lain terjadi dimasa lampau. (Ada 2 peristiwa ya)
Perbedaan Past Perfect Tense dengan Past Perfect Continuous Tense
adalah Past Perfect Continuous Tense lebih menekankan pada proses
berlangsungnya suatu peristiwa.
Pola Kalimat
Rumus : Subject + had + been + Ving
Untuk melukiskan suatu peristiwa
yang sudah berlangsung terjadi sebelum saat tertentu pada waktu lampau
peristiwa itu masih berlangsung atau tepat berhenti sebelum persitiwa lain
Contoh :
Maria had been working there for five years when the word war II ended.
We had been singing for about half and hour before the telephone rang.
Pemakaiannya :
1. Before + S + V2, S + had + been + V-ing for...
Contoh :
- We had been talking for about half and hour before the telephone rang.
2. When + S + V2, S + had + been + V-ing for...
Contoh :
Somebody had been waiting for us for about ten
minutes when we came.
Means : when we came somebody was still waiting.
His little brother had been crying for half an
hour when I came
3. After + S + had + been + V-ing , S + V2 for…
Catatan :
Setiap kalimat Past Perfect Continuous Harus diikuti oleh for
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