Question words adalah kata-kata tanya.

Form : 

Q.words + aux + S + Verb + O/C ?

How      --> cara

When   --> waktu

Who      -->Subjek

Whom    --> objek

Whose    --> kepunyaan

What       -->nama/benda/pekerjaan

Where     -->tempat

Why        --> alasan


Contoh :

1.       How do you go to school ?

By Bus

2.       When will you go to Jakarta ?

Next week

3.       Who did it ?

Dedy did

4.       Whom you spoke with?

I spoke with Maria

5.       Whose bag is that ?

That’s mine

6.       What is your father ?

My father is a teacher

7.       Which one is your pen?

The blue one

8.       Where did you study ?

I studied at North Sumatra University

9.       Why did you come late?

Because there was traffic jam.

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